Dato' Sri Adrian Wee
Meet you and my master of international transformational speaker. He frequently speaks in Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia.
International Speaker
Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee, who is a renowned international speaker, master coach, property entrepreneur, esteemed interior designer, and author of the book “Die With Massive Debts.”
Dato’ Sri Adrian is the selected few speakers in South East Asia who has shared the same platform with the world-class speaker such as Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Nick Vujicic, and Jay Abraham through Success Resource.

Die With Massive Debts
His signature course – “Die With Massive Debts” – has taught over more than 30,000 students on how to acquire wealth by leveraging on bank loans.
As of now, the group has collectively generated over more than RM1 billion in bank loans and mortgages. Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee’s himself has personally accumulated over RM 72 million worth of loans under his own name. See Latest Event Activity and Schedule.

Adrian Wee 老师的简介
Dato' Sri Adrian Wee 老师在教育、房地产和房地产企业蛮有盛名,曾与许多具有影响力的演说家同台演讲,包括罗伯特·清崎(Robert T. Kiyosaki),《富爸爸·穷爸爸》的作者';资深投资策略顾问玛丽巴菲特(Mary Buffett);生活和商业策略大师托尼罗宾斯(Tony Robbins);以及国际营销教父杰伊亚伯拉罕(Jay Abraham)等等。
在过去 10 年里,老师除了在马来西亚大名鼎鼎之外,他的教育足迹遍及许多国家,包括泰国、印尼、越南、菲律宾、新加坡、香港甚至澳洲。
Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee 老师时常被问及与人才管理相关的问题:我们如何把适合的人才放在对的位置?我们如何释放他们的潜力?我们如何找到合适团队人选?这些都是团队领导所面对的棘手问题。
有鉴于此,老师用尽心思推出了《人才为王》Talent DNA 系列,分享突破性的人才管理方程式,释放团队的真正潜力并提高团队绩效。这里头的学问包括如何建立良好沟通桥梁,打造团队共识共赢。
无论你属于哪一个行业,老板、领导或者其他队员,《人才为王》Talent DNA 系列就是你们找到答案的钥匙,因为你在真正了解你自己同时,也清楚了解队员的个性,通过有效沟通促成更好的部署,大家更有同感并一起努力迈向共同目标前进。
即刻加入 Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee 老师的《人才为王》Talent DNA 系列,为你自己和你的团队开启一趟充满使命感的旅程!
Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee is synonym with education and property entrepreneurship in Asia, therefore it is no wonder that he has shared the stage with many other influential coaches such as Robert T. Kiyosaki, author of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, senior investment strategy consultant Mary Buffett, popular life & business strategist Tony Robbins and master & international marketeer Jay Abraham, amongst others.
For the past 10 years and counting, Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee has been stamping his mark in the education industry in many ASIAN countries besides Malaysia including Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia.
Time and time again, Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee has been inundated with the same questions on talent management : How do we put the right people in the right positions? How do we unleash their potential? How do we find the right fit for the team? Team leaders constantly ask these questions time and time again in their bid to assess their workforce.
It was then that Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee introduced the Talent DNA Series presenting a talent breakthrough formula that will ensure you unleash the true potential of your team with a high productivity rate. Be prepared to discover how to create communication bridges to work together more effectively as a team.
Every single person in the industry should explore this series as you finally get a good grasp of your true talent and work towards a more contented, fulfilled & happier you!
Join Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee’s Talent DNA Series to recapitalize yourself and your team members as he brings forth a revitalized outlook of human capital development and leads you on a journey of discovering your true potential.

Additional Information
Just like the name of the workshop, this is a workshop that taught students to achieve financial freedom not through saving but through Property Science and debts.
Students are taught the important criteria to be aware of when doing due diligent for property to avoid overvalued properties. On top of that students will also learn the formulas and calculations of finances which personally used by Mr. Adrian Wee as a property investor himself.
As an experienced property investor, he would like to share his years of experience with the students and guide them to create wealth exponentially.

Die With Massive Debts 3.0
What I have been learned In Die With Massive Debts is truly valuable for my life. Here again to take an opportunity to thanks my skills transfer mentor, Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee.
Now I'm preparing to invest my second and third property in Malaysia with stable and safety planning. Here I'm sharing with you what I learn from Dato' Sri Adrian Wee.
Click the below button and to have FREE 3 hours Preview Ticket, this 3 hours have the possibility to change your whole property mindset and life.

Dato Sri Adrian Wee Reviews & Testimonials
拿督斯里 黄天成 评论与推荐
Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee is the embodiment of the entrepreneurial spirit that takes action to help the community he is in and makes the world a better place. He now plans to give back to society by spreading his knowledge about property investment and encourage young entrepreneurs to build a sustainable business model that will benefit the community.
Dato Sri Adrian Wee
New O2O Commerce Program
Adrian Wee O2O Commerce Accelerator Program, let Siifoo guide you, how to combine your traditional business model and to create a new peak for business