Von Production
Von Production built a business legal structure and blueprint to revamp and restructure into a new business model, with the MyVpsGroup new master plan, Von Production clients are beginning to grow faster and powerful with support by business blue-print, plan, and concrete infrastructure.

Begin of Von Production
Von Production has been found by Von Lim at 2012, when Von Lim still in George Town City, Penang, Malaysia studying Multimedia in Communication Design.
2013 Von Lim think to use his Adobe Photoshop skills to create a study design and make content marketing for future use and future portfolio.
In all with broad services, Von Production services will focus in Logo Design, Graphics Design, Web Design, Ecommerce Website, and Online Marketing Material.
What are WE do?
Firstly, we focus to create a stunning and strategy creative design content material and raise the value for online marketing, eCommerce website, advertising, ads, content, business or marketing content, tools, and product development.
We always brainstorming and executing in deepest way to our client’s project.
Client Experiences
Create and enhance to turn simple shapes and colors into sophisticated brand logos, with our unique technique so it can scale down for mobile screens and up to billboard size — and always look crisp and beautiful.

Von Production
Super Heroes Fans-Artwork
Dr Strange--Graphics-Design-Malaysia-Artwork-VonLim-VonProduction-MyVpsGroup
Von Production Blueprint & Plan
Future plan of Von Production – Von Lim has also built a business legal structure and blueprint to revamp and restructure the whole personal portfolio into a new business model, with the MyVpsGroup new master plan, at future, Von Production is beginning to grow faster and powerful with support by business blue-print, plan, and concrete infrastructure.
We provided digital and online marketing 1 stop solution from A – Z. From brainstorming idea, marketing and strategy, creative design, digital and online strategy to our clients.

Thank You for
Supporting Us
Von Lim Founder of
Von Production | Von Vps Management | MyVpsGroup
Thank You & Appreciate!
Best Regards!